Debtors bugs and logic fixing - Action Plan

Hey everyone!

First off, a huge thank you for the feedback I received in the first 12+ hours since the release of the 5.0 build! 

It's been awesome hearing all the reviews on the new content and horny scenes. But I'm not fully satisfied with the current condition of the game. 

I have some observations on how to fix the game but what I need from YOU is your honest opinion. Let me know what aspects of the game you find frustrating, pointless, or annoying in any other way and why.

I will work on the animations and art for build 6.0 but in the meantime, I wanted to have a half-way 5.5 build.  It will be focused on solidifying the experience and fixing issues like random returns to the main menu (we’ve all been there xD).

Please DO NOT report bugs here since I'll be overhauling the entire code based on lessons learned. This space is for your constructive criticism. I know it's difficult sometimes but try to be friendly and respectful toward each other xD 

Here’s what I’m focusing on for 5.5:

  1. Overhauling the game code to fix current bugs and prevent future ones.
  2. Improving UX to reduce the number of clicks needed for actions.
  3. Creating a more friendly interface to make navigation smoother.
  4. Updating graphics (because, let’s be real, it's a horny game after all) :3
  5. Removing unused mechanics and improving the ones that matter.
  6. Separating the main storyline from side stories (like the cult, Vito, etc.).
  7. Having all dialogues proofread by native speakers.
  8.  Preparing a full map of the game flow (showing what actions to take to reach specific cock-friendly scenes)

If you've been following Debtors since the early builds, you've seen how far it’s come. Thanks so much for your suggestions and support—it really keeps this hobby project moving forward!

Have a great day, everyone! Stay safe and don't take loans from hyenas! xD

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Super fantastic job with this update! I don't have much criticism; everything seems to be going well. However, I was wondering if we could have the option for Paul to have an ending with Blaire, just like Claire could have an ending with her old ex. Also, as a massive fan of micro-content, I was so happy to see that NTR combo, so that was a lovely touch.


Hello, I wanted to say that I recently found this game and have greatly enjoyed it so far. The art and story have been really good and am looking forward to see how things progress.

I am curious to know if Impregnation by Paul in his route is something that is planned for the future? I really like the idea that the you can turn things around with the 'Alpha' system that seems to be going to play a big part in latter updates.(And I persoanlly prefer Impreg content while playing as a male)

Anyway, looking forward to the next update and hope things continue to go well for you!

Thank you <3 Sounds like a plan. The case is alpha/omega was useless and not connected to anything at this point. I will make it meaningful in the next build. 

Understood and thank you. I look forward to the next build update!

Felicidades el pequeño brote ha echado ramas

Gracias! Espero que algun dia brote se convierta en un arbol!


A si unos puntos a tocar. 

El culto mas que un final lo veo mejor como un area oculta desbloqueable, pues mas que un final veo como "trucos" para la jugabilidad(poner huevos de oro/dragón, inversión de géneros, vendetta y dominación "aunque podría convertir a eso malos en mujeres para la rura alfa" y lo del placer de la cabra uno de los metodos para ganar "favor/moneda de cambio) y otros cambios mas a futuro. 

Dar mas acceso a otras áreas como la clinica del ginecólogo, como otro punto de trabajo. 

El ring de boxeo y el apartamento del ex(disponible si se tiene una alta relación con el cónyuge y se a saldado la cuenta) 

Y otrad cosas mas pero tengo que formularlas mejor


Thanks! :3


Very fun game I think you do a pretty good balance in terms of the characters especially if you prefer playing Bi (which I prefer), which kudos to you because that is really rare in these types of games. My only personal take would be if you could choose for both characters to be more dominant of submissive during some encounters but that is a more preference thing but otherwise great job so far :D

Thanks! Totally agree - Bi4Ever! <3 

Sub/Dom sounds interesting. I was planning that for Paul whenever he has high or low alpha/omega status he will react differently but I failed to implement it last time. Now it will make it more meaningful :3

The overall idea is to have much fewer mechanics but those who stay must be really meaningful!


Awesome work, though I was wondering, will there be more romance options for Chi to enjoy more cuteness with him?


Yes :3 Definitely. I also want to build up his lore because so far it feels like a chihuahua placeholder xD

I would say the game is overal pretty fun though i would say it would be cool to potentially sleep with certain characters more than once. Like calling Chi, Franklin to come over, or the landlord when the rent isn't even due to have some fun with. 

And lastly this is more of an idea for when claire gets pregnant. Since you have to pay money for a healthy pregnancy, you can add something very similar but with having a healthy Baby. Money drops automatically but depending on who the father is, they could give you a random amount of money everyday to help you, similar to when paul comes home with a paycheck.(This could maybe lead to Paul accepting his life as a cuck).But not every dad is the same, so not everyone will help you with money.And the more kids you get the more money is deducted. 

These are all ideas for you but you can do whatever you want. Thanks for reading my long message, sorry about that😅

It's long but full of awesome concepts! The first one is funny for me because I was thinking about the same concept today. I think adding a phone and being able to call guys like Franklin (those who are single-time meeting now) to invite them for sex would be cool!

For a baby thing, it sounds interesting to have an additional source of income from a father (for sure Vito won't be interested in paying it lol). The point is to avoid actually showing the baby because it's totally uncomfortable and not very appropriate for that kind of game xD My current idea is whenever the baby is born it's automatically collected by social service. But it's a bit cruel. I will think about it.

Thanks again for sharing your suggestions! <3

(1 edit)

Claire can't get pregnant by Paul because he is infertile or they have safe sex ? The game dosen't explane this. If they have safe sex it would be nice to have an option in the dialogue to have unprotected sex. 

then I was thinking about a new game mode where you have to take care of Claire's son: the player can choose who the father of the child is which also determines the difficulty level of the mode, whether Claire is divorced or married. In this mode the player must take care of Claire's son by managing various financial difficulties and some unexpected events, a bit like in the original mode. The player lost the game if social services are alerted by the neighbors in one of the game's scripted moments or if we have not fully satisfied the child's needs. 

 Personally, it seems like an interesting mode to me, but perhaps it could make the game heavier and wouldn't fully fit in with the main plot.

Yap. Paul's fertility is rather questionable xD

About Claire's baby mode sounds like an option but definitely not in Debtors 1 (I mean the current project). Also it won't be possible to create a sprite for them because you can't depict miners in the game like that xD 

Thanks for a good question and interesting idea.


I do not understand the vitamin system, or if it just Claire only. I don't know, because I have no interest playing as Claire, I have 0 interest in F/F content or engaging in M/F content, so the entire game kind of feels very bare bones for me. Cuckolding content is not interesting, or it would be if everyone participating was male. So there is about a couple of scenes or interesting things for me in the game.

I just generally don't want Clare around, and the divorce thing is locked behind a lot of grind. I wish there was a way to decide if you want to start the game married or not. Though there may be an oversight or bug where Clare still appears even though you have divorced.

Clicking through the apartment building is kind of excessive, the previous system where you travelled through the apartment was more intuitive. There is quite a bit in prostitution that you need to re-click, accepting to do actions with few people. The time advancement thing does not work at all, but that may be just a bug.

These are my opinions, but I do want to see more of the game. But for now, there is very little for me in the game. Though, this game may not be made for me (man who is interested in only m/m content) in mind, which is fine.


Thanks for honest opinion. I see that might be the case.  I'm planning to address most of these issues.

For orientation (and fetish content) I'm planning to create some kind of filter allowing you to customize your gameplay at start. Some options will be unavailable if you uncheck the box (like for cuckold for example). Second thing is marrying. You will be able to start single or married which will open a lot of new opportunities. Also thanks for feedback about the travel. I noticed it myself it's much more annoying to work in the office in the current version


I think removing the voiced dialogue would be great, or keep it at a minimum for things like groans and moaning


Ok. Sounds reasonable. Maybe removing it entirely is too much. What I plan is to be able to disable the voice acting in the game options :3 Thanks for the suggestion


Thank you for your game!) I really like it, I will wait for new versions, and the Russian language, this will greatly simplify my game. I hope there are not a few native speakers either..) You are a great fellow and have done a tremendous job. We appreciate it!

Lol. I can speak Russian but I'm not fluent enough to translate the entire game xD Same applies to English but I have no other choice than to speak it. It's basically the official language of our species right now xD

Also, большое спасибо за хорошее слова поддержки! Я очень рад, что есть заинтересованые люди! 

As far as I know, they somehow integrate a translator into the game. Like "Celsius" did. I think this is enough to understand the essence of the dialogues and play with pleasure)

I used the translator to play your game, it makes it much easier for me to play and have a lot of fun.


But I'm not sure what the benefits of it are. Like if I choose one language another one will be offended etc. Like if there's russian  why don't you have french, slovak, german, nepali etc? And I don't want to arbitrarily decide which languages are worthy to get translation xD

So instead of discriminating my watchers from smaller countries I prefer to have it only in english that's understanable for majority of people.

If you have a plan how to solve it to not cause a language drama, let me know :D

I would suggest contacting this fluffy guy, ( he added quite a few languages to his latest game, and it's obvious that it's just a translator.
Of course, if you're interested).
Or... Maybe fans of your game can make a translation and somehow share it with other speakers...)
(Of course, on a voluntary basis, I wouldn't want you to spend money on this!)

Sorry. I want to keep this project in one language. I'm not a programmer and it's already too much for me. There's no need to turn an ant into an elephant. 


I wanna say for me a thing that could be improved could be the fighting arena where you fight the horse dude. in the fight you need to click the right button about 7 times which is almost impossible without saving every hit. so maybe making the fight with him kind of like the fight at the end of hyena brotherhood storyline could make it better. that and maybe adding more opponents


Interesting. Can you tell me more about the clicking button 7 times idea? Like you have something like high attack and low attack and you need to block them by pressing up or down button? Would be fun to have a fighting game again as an alternative way of making money.

I think maybe making the sprite of the opponent change depending on what attack they are about to use could be fun. like if you see a specific sprite you know you should use a high attack and so on. would both add another way to make money and it could also connect to the cult storyline with the cult leader maybe giving you a powerup like being stronger in fights. just a suggestion though of course

I like that reaction to sprite game OwO It starts slowly and goes faster with every new enemy 


I think revamping the hours in a day mechanic could be beneficial. It serves little purpose now, as there isnt enough actions you can take during a day to "run out". As of now, it feels like a "skip to next day" nothing button. Perhaps make actions avaible during only certain timeslots. I personally like making choices rather than having everything availabe. I already like how the cult scenario starts during the night, it makes it stand out nicely. I would love more of that!


True. At some point there's too much clicking :3

I like when more actions can be taken in a day, one if the most frustrating experiences in a VN is feeling that a time limit prevents you from experiencing all of the additional content in a single playthrough. While multiple playthroughs for multiple major routes can work, ideally there should be ample time to thoroughly enjoy the main content and side content along with repeatable content without feeling overly pressed for time.

(2 edits) (+2)

Guys! You won't guess what happened! RenPy update broke the game. Old code is interpreted in some weird way don't displaying videos lol. But no worries. Art that takes like 75% of time is safe :) That means now I have to refactor the code which is good because it was buggy anyway <3

UPDATE: After investigation I learned it has something to do with Python version update. No a big deal anyway (I hope) 

(1 edit) (+1)

Personally the vitamin and alpha omega mechanics are eh they don't really do anything and the semen collector job is pretty limiting because you can't be a janitor after and repetitive to be quite honest, some unique dialogue between clients would be awesome and keep away from the repetitive nature. Also there's more than one way to skin a cat if you catch my drift, you got a world of possibilities as far as "semen collection"


Totally right. It's added to improvement list <3