A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux


In the dark world of 'Debtors,' Paul and Claire are entangled in a web of debt, ensnared by the Hyena Brotherhood, a ruthless criminal gang led by the cunning Vito. The story takes a somber turn when Vito issues a merciless ultimatum – pay the entire debt within 30 days or suffer grievous consequences.

Fueled by desperation, Paul and Claire navigate the shadowy city, resorting to both legal and shady tactics just to survive. 'Debtors' unfolds a haunting narrative, immersing gamers in a relentless urban nightmare where every choice comes with a price, and the Hyena Brotherhood is always lurking in the shadows.

Will you succeed in paying off the debt without losing your dignity? Can Paul and Claire's marriage endure the horrors of the Hyena Brotherhood's retribution? If otherworldly forces of darkness lend you a helping hand, will you accept it?



+75 overwhelming animation files

+50 crafted character sprites

+20 lively non-playable characters

+15 received fan arts

+10 specially crafted game-dedicated soundtracks

7 unique locations

6 different endings

3 partially voice-acted characters

2 characters with their unique mechanics

1 lewd kitty developer!

0 hope to survive the confrontation with the Hyena Brotherhood


1. Earn money by working decently

2. Work as a prostitute choosing from 5 available clients

3. Fight in a weekly combat tournament to risk your money to earn extra

4. Befriend lost pizza delivery guy

5. Pay your rent in the way you find most... pleasurable

6. Get pregnant as Claire with any guy you like!

7. Become alpha or omega male as Paul (not doing anything special so far)

8. Join Hyena Brotherhood, if you can't beat someone you should join them

9. Go to the gym to exercise your core muscles

10. Call the police to report on the Brotherhood... if you believe it's a good idea

11. Eat the merchant out to make her more agreeable during negotiations

12. Sell Claire's sister to your landlord to avoid paying rent

13. Any other crazy thing you encounter on your way to economic freedom! 


  • gay, straight, bisexual
  • domination/submission
  • humiliation
  • cuckold
  • breeding
  • tease and denial
  • orgasm control
  • internal view
  • occultism (coming soon)
  • group sex (coming soon)


The main storyline (paying the debt and reaching 2 canon endings) is done. That means the game is almost ready. In the next few builds I'm planning to add some more scenes, characters, factions, quests etc.

1st week of January  Build 4.0 was released.

Plans for build 5 (treat it more like a roadmap rather than an official commitment)

  • Quests after joining the Hyena Brotherhood
  • Joining the mysterious cult of pleasures from another dimension
  • Alliance with ConspiRATors against the HB
  • More adventures in prison
  • Update of graphics and mechanics for a "decent job"
  • Probably more prostitution clients



OPTION 1: Spread the word. Send the game to the people you think might like it. Leave positive comments, share your opinion and suggestions on what could be done better, etc.

OPTION 2: Play the game but stay alert! Bugs are never sleeping! If you encounter any of them be sure to let me know with any channel of communication (even a comment in itch.io is ok. I will create a database of bugs to fix before build 5.0

OPTION 3: If this project inspires you to help me in the long term feel free to check my Patreon account here:


In case you're more interested in a single act of kindness there's nothing better for an indie developer than a huge cup of coffee! You can sponsor it here:


Keep your fingers crossed and see you in update 5.0

Updated 5 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(245 total ratings)
AuthorLeo Nois
GenreVisual Novel
TagsErotic, Furry, Management, Thriller
Average sessionA few minutes


DEBTORS-4.0-pc.zip 1,008 MB
DEBTORS-4.0-mac.zip 973 MB

Install instructions

To install simply unzip the file to your desktop.

Development log

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Is there a Chinese translation?

So, it's fare to say, if something is not in the Development Log for version 5.0 it will be added on in a later update? Example, we probably wont be seeing Claire having a baby since its not in the logs right?

Am I not able to access the wrestling place yet?
I'm in 4.1 on the 1st sunday ^^'

forgot to mention but I'm playing as paul


Awww. Sorry. No combat in 4.1

Alright! ^^


no bear/chubby characters? :(


I guess crockodile is a bit chubby xD


Looks amazing! Will there be an option to filter out specific content? Such as focusing on straight or gay events?


Sadly not in this one :( I'm too far in dev of 5.0 to implement it now.
But maybe it's not a bad idea to implement it in the future! <3 Thank you for kind suggestion

DO we get Vito gameplay in 5.0 or is it scrapped?

There will be a teaser. It won't be possible to make entire gameplay on time. First 2 scenes will be available but they will reveal some lore about the big boss of hyenas

How do i update the game without losing all my progress ;-;

No way. You need to delete it and install the new version when it's ready. So far 4.1 is the only finished version of the game. 5.0 will be extra content and cosmetic changes

Alr but i progressed so far 😭 but thx tho

How can i see some new animations in v4.1

You can't. They will be available in 5.0

Cannot update to 4.1 because you host it on an external site. 

What's wrong about external sites?

That's the message the Itch.io desktop client gives when I try to update.

No worries. 4.1 is obsolete. Soon 5.0 will be a thing <3

I wanted to play but iam Android user ;)

JoiPlay в помощь.


and when will the 5.0 version be released?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Автор говорил, что не любит и не хочет закладываться на определенные сроки, на последних девлогах есть дорожная карта развития игры, а так же автор говорил, что за неделю успевает сделать в среднем 2 анимации, так что можете ориентироваться по этим факторам. Плюс, мы ничего не платим Лео, так что я не считаю, что мы в праве требовать какие-либо сроки от него.


ANNOUNCEMENT: I need to move 17.07.2024 devlog to 21.07.2024 because of personal reasons. Thanks everyone for understanding <3

¿The weekly update is only a report, isn't it? You don't release a new version every week, do you?

For the most part, thats true. Im pretty sure🤔


No. It's just a report of progress


Damm bro this game is pretty good you couldve even made this paid and i would buy it. well at least you have patreon so imma go there instead. Also i have a question: do you plan on adding taker/female pov? i find those two super hot. female pov especially.

this this this please

Oh that sounds so cooool :3 I will keep that in mind. Thank you

How do I update the game when there is a new patch?

What do you mean? You simply delete old version and unzip the new one

Daaaamn... Awesome dev. log. I cant wait to play the next version!

is it possbile or did you add any cheat code that we could use?

I don't know how, I don't know why, yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky". But all that I can see it's just another cheating tree :D

Actually, I'd think about it. It makes sense to have an option to cheat in cuckold game, right? xD

(1 edit)

bro you have most delightful game ever dude if you can't it's fine ur still the best keep it up man

Lol. No worries. I've been cheating you xD I know how to do it and I will add it to the next build to-do list <3 Thank you for uselful idea

thx i will look forward for the next build

I had thoughts bout omega and alpha patgs for paul. 

If he's omega, paul become more girly and begin wear girly outfits (maybe also became kinda breedable) 

If he's alpha, paul become more muscular man and can be stronger in fights as bonus

It sounds cool. I'd need to think about it later. Sadly in the current build, I need to disable it because it does not affect the game at all. It's still in development so it's better to simplify it and build up from a point where it works :3


Have you created other games besides this one? I loved the experience I had playing Debtors, and I’d like to play other games you’ve made.

Awww <3 I'm so pleased you said that. Sadly my other games sucked and they are hidden until I have better skills to resurrect them. The good thing is I'm working on it already :3

But I need to finish Debtors first.

good game 10/10 , is there gonna be more voice acting in the next build ?

Yes. I have an actor for a goat (Balthazaar) character

I remember your first or not first game about neighboors.It was interesting.

Awww. Thank you. I need to reincarnate it one day :3

wait you had more than just this game?

I had many games but as mother nature intended the weakest of them did not survive. You (watchers) made a natural selection xD

¿any chance of an Android version?

(1 edit)

No, check posts below, you can use JoiPlay for emulation Ren'Py on android, however, at your own risk.(I mean bugs)

so weird bug, it keeps going back to the title screen. even at the age verification thing at the start. it skips to title..

And yes, i checked to see if it was my pc. but none of my other games were doing it.

Has version 5 already been released?

No. It's still pregnant xD

Окей, а, если так прикинуть, сколько процентов из ожидаемого сделано? Я понимаю что закладываться на время дурная затея, сам работаю программистом, но хотя бы в процентах сколько осталось? 

69% I would say xD

Вот дерьмо, это много... Но что же, ничего не попишешь, остается только ждать(. Ты только не перегори, работай в своем темпе))

awesome game, i enjoyed the locker scene, are you planning on making more of it?

Yes. The build is still in progress. At the bottom of descrition you can find a devlog I release every week


is it possible to give birth yet?

Not yet. Only abortion xD

ok fair

Love the game very excited for the next release, did you have a rough time frame of when the next update may release?

Not idea. It depends how many horny ideas you guys will throw at me xD

But honestly the build I'm working on requires insane amount of art and for me the only realistic number of animations to do is 1-2 per week, and this not iclude programming, storywriting, sprites etc.

But the shortest rep would be it's closer than last week

Im definitely supporting your patreon this thursday. Im hoping in the future you can have an ending with the landlord and more scenes with him cause that interaction was super hot. 👌

Oh thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind as many people really like him <3


Yessss Please do, Croc Daddy is the best! We need to submit and become his new girl to give him lots of croc kids! 🥺🥺 i will try to give tons of support lmao. I've been wanting a spicy NTR game like this. 

Agreed! So far Landlord and Franklin are my 2 favorites

Yay OwO I like both too. Franklin is more sneaky bad boy vibe while Crocko is more daddy vibe xD

Franklin's voice and personality was just 👌 the way he spoke to her. I hope we can have an ending with him too, or perhaps he can become a reoccurring event. 😩

What is the purpose of Vitamins again?

Thanks for asking. To be honest, nothing xD They will be eliminated in the next build :D

Здравствуйте  а вы будете портировать  на андроид   а то игра тотне плохая ( хотелось бы видеть ее на андроид  )

К сожалению нет. Так как я уже писал не планирую делать это

Может напишешь в оголовье страницы, что порта не будет, а то это уже вопрос десятый, наверное, про порт на андроид.

Да! Зачем андроидить если можна играть на компе лол xD


Лео уже писал об этом много раз, разработка игр Ren'Py на андроид слишком сильно отличается от разработки на пк, у Лео нет ни времени, ни желания это делать, вбухивая кучу времени на изучение и разработку.

Плюс, есть эмулятор для Ren'Py для андроида - JoiPlay, пусть стабильность запуска и работы эмуляции не гарантирована.


Спасибооо Ж)

this game have a cheat or debbug mode?

No xD But it has cheating. You can sleep behind your wife/husband's back xD

Una pregunta todo el contenido nuevo que muestran cuando lo van a implementar?

(1 edit)

cuando tenga la update lista, lo que esta publicando son avaces para que no se piense ue el juego esta muerto

Porque ella no está muerta xD

¿Por qué preguntas en español cuando tienes un traductor a tu disposición? xD

Are they any Ideas about android

No. It it not an option. Sorry

the debtors version 4.1 is still a third party website and i want to play it so bad!!! is there a way to get around it or to fix it?

There's nothing to fix. You can simply download it.  Let me know if there's any problem in the process.

Also, good news! I found a way to optimize animations giving it smaller file sizes. That means next build will be under 1GB and will be hosted on itch.io <3

i can play the game just not the version 4.1 only 4.0. i might be misunderstanding and i'm sorry for the hassle  but does your new updates go to the version 4.0 too?

No. It should be 4.1 for everyone. Even your screen says that. Or I get something wrong :3

idk. maybe whenever the 4.2 version comes out i will be able to play thank you for your time and help though!

this is what it says 🥺

srry for the late response btw, it happens sometimes if u are using the itch.io app on desktop, bc if you download the game from the browser version it should download normally :p

No idea why. I don't use itch app

why is my boxing thing not working?

There will be no more boxing. That mechanics was too way corrupted xD

If Paul received a call from Xero...and then they did it ~ does this count as NTR?


Well, I think Paul and Xero had never met as he's Claire's old crush. But basically if he fuck Paul when he's married it would be a NTR xD

does the game have a server in discord?

Yes but it's not public right now xD

oh cool :D

(   also, I can't wait to see when the game is finished, it looks good now, imagine in the future >:D )

It is finished xD You can play it from the beginning till the payment of the debt - and that's the main storyline. 

What I'm doing now is adding new and new extra content :3

How's the release schedule looking, late May still on the table?

Actually it's under the table xD I still need to create insane amount of art, animations and programming to be satisfied with a quality of the build. Early June is more probable.

Is an android version planned?

No. This is a recurring question. I don't know how to make it work. Especially with the interface scaling for phones. So it's better not to do than to do xD

It works on joiplay 

Yes. But it was never optimized for it. But if it works for you like that I'm ok with that :)

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