DEBTORS - horny project news! [2024-09-18]

Hello guys!

Thank you for the positive reviews of build 5.0 of Debtors and for your honest and constructive criticism.

I read carefully through your conclusions after playing the build and it feels like you have a lot of good ideas and observations that would help me to make the game even better :3 It will take a while but here are some changes implemented already!


I appreciate all the bugs reported. The thing I want to do now is to re-organize a code to make it more readable and scalable.  It will give me a +10 bonus to sanity and +10 to development efficiency. The new character selection screen is here already: 

  • Playing as Vito wasn't a good idea and it deserves to be a separate project. The story of his parents will reappear in the game as a story he tells you when your relations are good revealing even more tragic details on how he became a crime lord!
  • To further diversify a gameplay from now on you will be able to choose if you want the main character to be married or not when you start the game. I'm not planning the NPC marrying  because it would cause a story to branch insanely beyond control. There's an idea for later to make marriages as alternative endings.
  • A thing many of you suggested is you want to avoid content you are not interested in (like a particular sexual preference or fetish). Now you can enable and disable specific sex scenes. Everyone should have a choice of what they like to see or not. I will play on all options enabled anyway xD


I hate it and you hate it too! So many clicks you need to do to reach a particular location, or character or even skip a day! Why you should click through morning, midday, evening, and night if you can have a single button to skip a day. I know it's nothing innovative but it's good you let me know you want an option like that. 

The preview of the work-in-progress of interface rebuild. It will be much more user-friendly now. 1 click to reach a key character, 1 click to move to any location (quick travel logic. Unlock it first), 1 click to auto-work without going anywhere.

Silly little change but now there's an extra space to prevent the notification bar from overlapping the main interface. Little detail but life consists of little details :3


Interactions with Vito in the main scene will depend more if you play as a single or married character! Looking for a hyena stud to bang you without feeling guilty because of cheating?  Start unmarried! xD The more options the better! So it's up to you if you want to share a sausage with your significant other or you feel greedy and want it for yourself  ^^


Have a nice day!

Get Debtors


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An idea I had while playing, if you play as Claire and get pregnant during the Gene or Francis ntr scenes, Paul shouldn't walk out on you. He was there and knew it happened after all! Also would love to see Claire get visibly pregnant if you're playing as Paul after those scenes.


That's a plan for next builds xD


I enjoyed playing with Vitor, I found it very interesting that we had the perspective of the "villain or bad character".


Aaaaaaaa awesome progress on the game bro!!!! Proud of ya ^-^

Me sorprende 2 de los juegos que sigo con noticias mas picantes de momento e dejado debtors pero de vez en cuando me llegan una que otra idea

¿Y cuál es el segundo juego? :)


BdCC es un juego textual pero a diferencia de otros tiene un paner animado y bueno es un sandbox en una carcel espacial aunque la última actualización le a dado vida al juego últimamente me tiene enganchado 

(1 edit)

Leo is cooking! While I enjoy the NTR part, it's really cool that you have an option for those who don't. 


I am loving the new changes! I am excited to play with Paul with no wife because Single Life rocks :3


Lol. Finally we have a voice of reason here xD


This game is great, it just needs a little more gay for my taste but it's enjoyable nonetheless


Yay for gay! The next build will have an option of go exclusively gay. The only thing is I need to create more animations. Lol.


I mean the gay content present in this FVN is already super hot and detailed lol, I'd just like more cuz I'm a horndog, but this game is seriously amazing and already highly-enjoyable to MLM furries! Keep it coming!