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I would like to see the alt.ending where Paul becomes an absolute femboy slut gets divorced by claire and starts dating vito as his personal fucktoy


Love it, one suggestion, maybe an option to just be male or female. Overall nice game :)


Hahaha :) Good you ask. I'm just posting a devlog of char selection screen today :)


Will there be an option for a nude playthrough? As in tell them to strip permanently?


Daaamn. That's a pretty good idea. But I will have to figure it out.


Hello! Can we get an Android version 😭


If it's made of renpy(by the look of it) you can use emulator joiplay to play it on Android


No. The interface is broken in Android and I can't fix it... I'm a pornographer, not a programmer xD


Now, I'm sad. I pray for a clear future~  #acess


Hi hi, just here to send encouragement since I'm really big into impregnation/pregnancy fetish (especially when it is unwanted pregnancy). There just isn't enough games that does it well. Keep up the good work! :3


Good to hear that. Play as Claire next time if you like an unexpected pregnancy. It will happen to you surprisingly often xD Also thanks for kind words!


Really glad I ain't the only one in that boat. The whole pregnancy happening as a game over only has become so overrated at this point. Sure, I get why, if the devs of such games go more logical and go along with the time a baby must be formed, but still there are good ones that always find smart excuses or go full fantasy to do something faster and are really so rare. That's why I'm excited for this one, cause I'm shocked how furry community has almost no games with pregnancies considering how people are really into that when it comes to furries.

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Well, that looks promising, I mean, it is very early, so I don't want to criticise the content or lack thereof at the moment :D

To the animations tho, don't know if they can be sharpened up a bit? But the most glaring part is for me the speed, they feel a bit too fast? Minor thing tho and it seems you are still working on the basic parts there, will definitly keep an eye on this tho and hope for more stuff in the future :D

I mean, I like the setting and tags, and games with content for F/M and M/M are so rare :x :D and the main chars seem cute :D


Awww! Thank you. And I agree with you. Animations will be diversified when it comes to speed. Some of them will be slow and sensual and some of them will be wild like animals in the National Geographic xD


Hey Leo Nois is there a way that I can talk to you privately so I can share some ideas of mine with you  about how to make your game great if possible let me know




Thanks ;3

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too bad it wasn t much to do, since the game is new

(2 edits) (+2)

Can you make it so they wear nothing at all? (Nude playthrough?) Or even slave path? Custom outfits would be fun too


Yes. Clothes is an idea but for far future updates :) Thanks for asking


Are there any plans for parallel sex in the future?


What do you mean by parallel sex? :3


When two people get dicked next to each other in a parallel fashion. It's a tag on e621 if you want some examples.


Wow! Looks really hot! I'll need to think about it for some future scenes ;3 Maybe Claire and Beverly fucked one by one by Francis (pig boss)


I was thinking it would be fun to see Paul and Claire get dicked together, but that may just be me.

Hi could I have this for Android please I love your game it's amazing 👏 

It's broken for android and I can't fix it. Sorry. Maybe I will hire some programming brain to do it for me when I'm rich and famous xD

Deleted 1 year ago

Spoiler: it will xD That's why it changes with every update. I listen to you guys whining and make changes to make it better xD

While not a fan of ntr, I do dig how the game looks like. Besides being into furry, the pregnancy system is what caught my interest (as you can tell, I'm a huge fan of the impregnation/pregnancy fetish). Always enjoy when games do that, mostly as a system that can happen again and again instead of being a game over like the majority are. More like this need to happen. Just can't wait to see Claire belly grow with pups.

I do hope to see more of this game and more stuff added in the next updates. I already saw in the comments that you have plans to be able to choose character instead of the male having all the choice (I was thinking the same and glad that might happen).


Yap. And it will save a lot of working hours for me in the coding department xD

I am really enjoying this game I hope it is completed and constantly updated I will definitely buy it

(I have not found any social profile where to follow you for updates if you have it would you write it)

I will post all updates here. And thanks for your willingness to buy it. Sadly it's free to play. Maybe the game will include some YCH component but no paywall ;3

I'm not really into furry games, but Clarie for some reason made me horny on a different level lol. (So great design choice right there:) I also recommend you start a Substar page or a Patreon as I'm certain people would be happy to support you with this one. All in all great idea and I wish you the best of luck with this project :D

Awww ;3 Thank you, Ret! Stay cool and awesome! And stay tuned for future updates. 

For Patreon or SubscribeStar I will open it probably from December but it's still just a plan.

I haven't tried the game yet, but I'm definitely interested in seeing why everyone likes it so much with it being especially free and everything! I can't wait to give my opinion and I know it's going to be positive!

Awwww ;3 Thank you <3

The game is great but i think some stuff and missing also do ya have a Patreon or discord cause i want to chat with you and give you some of mine ideas that i think will make the game great if you allow me?


No patreon, sorry. And discord only for limited numer of peeps. But you can share your ideas in PM I guess (if itch even has one) xD

I see that you hire somebody for story telling but that not what I mean by ideas of mine i was thinking more like add some items, location, sex scens and more like those ideas not ideas base on story


Sounds cool. But first I need to finish the core structure of the project. Later on I will build up upon it ;3

That sounds great also if you want to hear some of mine ideas feel free to add me on mine discord master022#0648

Invitation sent

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I love the idea of the game, but not being into females nor cucking has me weirdly split on it. Would love a mode in the future where you can play as one or the other (and single) instead of both for a more broad appeal. Just food for thought!


Ha! Funny you say that because I'm splitting characters in next update xD

Lol for real? Awesome! I look forward to that then :)

Hey there, excited for the update even half a year later! I was just curious if this is still on the table because I didn't see it mentioned anywhere?


good game , Did you provide the anal sex integration for Claire? And did you plan to have dog cocks?

I'll make an ambiguous camera angle so your can imagine it's vaginal or anal xD Dog cocks never. Sorry. Turn off for me :3


Over 30 animations in a pretty good game being made for free. That right there is dedication and will earn a patreon subscription from me.


I really appreciate your comment :3 I will do my best to keep it that way ;3

Nice going despite a bug here and there i cant wait to see how this game blossoms


Thank you ^^

Author can you please say in your game gonna be impregnation and pregnancy?And can we able to see how the kids gonna be look like


Preg yes. Kids no. It's +18 content after all ^^

Is it just regular preg or does it also involve mpreg as well, if I'm not overstepping any boundaries by asking that?


No problem. It's ok to mask. I'm not planning mpreg right now

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If it wouldn't risk any kind of spoilers to your VN by asking this, are there any other kinds of kink/fetishes besides the ones that are listed here that you plan to add on at a later date and time as you add on more contents like chapters and other things to this project of yours?


Oh yes! I'm planning to add a lot of things but now I'm rebuilding graphics and animations because this project deserves better :3

Great game so far, but getting the debt down is a chore and more annoying than anything. Cut down on the debt or increase the amount of money you earn

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I know what you mean. I'm paying a mortgage IRL xD I tried to as a bank to cut down the debt or my boss to increase my salary but this mechanics are bugged xD

Now... All I'm saying is, the hierarchy stat certainly is interesting


Yes. It will affect the attitude of other guys to you and the endings

No more android version?


No. User interface crashes on android


(2 edits) (-1)

Showering is bugged. If you shower after the LF date the choices will reset and you can do another LF date.


Thanks for reporting ;3 The crime scene will be investigated xD

It seams I ran into a bug when skipping (i enabled after choices) but the pregnancy test scene repeats its self when skip is on and not doing nothing.


Thanks for reporting. I'll check it out and try to fix it ^^

would there be consequences for missing the deadline for the debt like idk having the male character locked in like a chastity cage or something like that 


Canon storyline says they will be both enslaved by a hyena gang to work as their s-slaves ;3

hey is there any plans on adding the player be able to play as a female or male like allow them to choose to be a female or male.


Basically, you will play both at the same time.

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been following you a while over on FA, willing to try this game out hen I can, downloading but may be a week or two before i get time to play it


Understandable. I do the same on steam. I'm buying like a 10 games and I don't have a time to play them for next few months xD


I'm so proud of you and the progress you made ^-^ Truly such potential, i will support and share this game around as much as i can. You deserve more fans!!


Very nice start! Love the art, looks hot. Can't wait to see more.


Hm... Possibly spoilery question, but I still feel the need to ask, so I'll keep this short..
Will it be possible to help out a rival gang?


What do you mean to help out? I don't want to spoil it but there will be an option for many even most unlikely endings related to the gang :D


Like... Doing favors for a rival gang that undermines the Hyenas. Anything from simple parcels to, well, you can guess.


Found a bug


On mobile device?




Thanks for reporting. I don't know how to fix it... yet :3

Deleted 1 year ago

Good suggestion. I tried it on android and not only interface is broken but also animations won't display. Reducing side is a goood suggestion ;3 Also it will reduce file size ;3

maybe consider an alternative viewpoint as a hyena gang member? not a fan of getting cucked BUT definitely love the idea of being a bull and cucking someone else. 


Lol. You have some really good intel. I was just designing a sideproject like mini-strategy game where you take over the town as hyena brotherhood xD

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hell yeah! that sounds hot as fuck honestly, cucking dudes, popping cherries, giving some babies to families and going around to do some neighborhood takeovers! 


Holy shit! I absolutely love your furafinity and the content on it dude! Wow, I didn't know this would be a thing but it turned out great! Absolutely love the kinks, scenario and everything really. You completely 'knocked it out of the park' with this...or should I say...'knocked it up'~


Knock up is always better than knock out xD


Do you think the updates Will it be per week/month/or per year?


Month for small updates, two months for major ones


so hot but i want to see the blue male be dom


Oh, man! Me too xD But it's not easy to dominate anyone with a toothpick ^^


i love femboy doms big or small cocks super hot

Great art and concept!


Thank you. There will be mooooaaaaa ;]

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