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(1 edit)

I have a question: Does Claire ever give birth? It would be fun to keep getting pregnant with various characters. At least in infinite mode. Then you could have a family with them! But the game itself is nice! The art and animation is something that not as many include. I love how the story is set up and the endless possibilities. There are a few errors but otherwise it’s good. There was a scene where you play as Claire and Paul will talk but it will say Claire’s name.


Thanks for reporting :3 And yes, I'm planning to intorduce some form of pregnancy conclusion.

awesome. I was hoping for multiple times especially during infinity mode! It’s really good though! Go wild too!~ It’s rare to see these kinds of games!

Haha. Thanks :D I'm glad you like it

Only Claire gets to have an affair?

Not only. Playing Paul you can have an affair with Claire's sister. You can also have sex out of marriage with few characters

We can see Claire can get pregnant, but can Paul get anyone pregnant?


Not yet. I'm not sure if he even is able to do that xD But we shall see.


i think making paul infertile will make the cuck mechanic of the game go out better

Damn sounds hot :3

That it would be and maybe for the affair and that maybe could have Paul be able to get them pregnant or have a risk there to more a thought.

So, some questions. I haven't played the game yet, but I'm very much not into cuckold stuff and most NTR. While that kinda looks like the point of the game, which is fine, I just wanted to make sure and ask if there's a way to NOT do either of those. Where these two stay together. MAYBE Paul selling himself out, without anything happening to Claire and her staying with him and just him.

Just to reiterate, my guess is the answer is no, but I wanted to make sure. It looks like a great game, I just wanna check to see if it's something I can get into.

Sorry! I missed your message! The answer is you can avoid it by choosing the right dialogue path. They are pretty obvious almost like: can I fuck you wife? Yes/No xD

Much appreciated!

hey leo nois im not sure if its just me but i guess your new update 4.00 is a thirid party website and i can't download it can you fix this???

4.0 is on itch. 4.1 is on mega because itch doesn't accept more than 1GB files.

Tell me more about the problem with download

all it pretty much says is that its a third party website lol thanks for replying as well

first things: do you have a discord server?
second things: by rewinding to far in the game, you go back to the last sex scene, and if you where in fight, the scene will be play on the current scene, like in the house. and if you lost you lost another time the money you bet.

First: Yes but it's hidden xD

Second: fixed in 4.1

how can i get the link


Cómo me gustaría que hubiera una versión para Android de este juego.

Lo siento. No sé cómo convertirlo a Android. Lo intenté pero fallé. La interfaz de usuario es demasiado pequeña o está completamente desordenada.


but that is easy to fix. As a programmer, I could make some changes and adjustments with the renpy tool and create a base game for the Android interface if you allow me to create a version of your game for Android and iOS mobile devices.

You really seem to struggle with coming up with insults, ( probably because You're a good person), If you would like help from somebody who's basically the f****** king of one-liners and highly offensive well thought out insults, message me. Whether you want a quick one-liner, or you want an entire cash insults for Claire, Paul, and the other characters to throw at each other I can very much help you with those. The only thing you'll need to do with my insults is just decide what's too far and what's not too far.

These insults are not even mine and come from a random generator lol xD I didn't have a real motivation to come up with something extremely unpleasant or offensive so that kind of placeholder will do xD Most people come here for porn and they won't even read the novel :)

But you are right. These insults are total softies xD

so pretty much just hire an Australian

Y'all kangaroo humping wazoos think you're the end all be all of insults, but if you had any such talent, Britian wouldn't have abandoned you. Hire you for what? 10 pesos, what a steal, but I think i'll take my money and pay 100USD for a mexican, funny how even the border jumpers work in USD but you'll insist your currency is so great. Not even Somolean pirates will accept it. 

just saying blacks have the n word pass, Aussies have the c word pass

Yeah because you are one.


will there be a discord for this fanbase?

Also, bug report: Franklin (the pizza guy) - if you pay for his pizza, instead of paying 150, all your cash will instead be set to -150.

Basically, you’ll lose all your money and drop beyond zero.

There is, but it's hidden xD DM me somewhere and I'll add you.

Also, thanks for info about the bug. It will be fixed

(2 edits)

I apparently don’t know how. I’m not good at stalking people. 😅

Edit: I think I’ve found a way to send you a private message, I am unsure if it’s actually you though, or someone with the same name as you.

Ok. Let me know how I can contact you than xD Do you have Furaffinity?

when talking to paul as claire when you ask about options to pay the debt claire says to paul claire, so that is a bit weird so that means claire is claire and paul is also claire

Thanks for reporting. It will be fixed <3

how do you divorse paul?

insult him allot and talk to him when the ralationship is at 10 you get a option to divorse paul

Waiting for bugfix and new update XD

(4 edits)

Found a bug (or several) that throw players to the main menu of the game when pressing ctrl outside of dialog, now when playing as Paul  vitamins and relation screens do not work the value stays the same, and after beating clayton there is a glitch after pressing ctrl it goes back to the last hit of the match repeating the scene and giving the prise money, when landlord takes the rent money value doesn't go down bdw good update.

Thanks a lot! Great job! I will do my best to fix it



  1. Presuming they are supposed to have been implemented, sex animations are not working for me.
  2. Having sex with Clair does not increase her relationship value, or give vitamins.
  3. Sex with Gossip did not lower Clair's relationship value.
  4. Travel to Stud Sunday Arena does not function.
  5. Winning SSA causes the fight end scene to play while in gameplay afterwards.
  6. Might just not be implemented, but you have to confirm prostitution with Dax, but this is not an option with the others.


  1. Consistency in how having sex affects relationship values. Having sex with Gossip and Pizza Boy affect relationship, but having sex with the gym hyenas, or the landlord, or her sister she hates (and while Claire's in the house to boot), or Vito (outside of opening), or being an actual prostitute, do not. At the very least there has to be an explanation how you get caught sometimes, but not others.
  2. Less punishing omega status. Alpha status needs to be pushed up one point at a time, and you're only an alpha when you hit the top, but you lose it all in a single gay/femdom sex scene. Either it should be easier to reach alpha status, or harder to become an omega.
  3. Alpha/Omega preferences. Primarily in relation to prostitution, but characters react differently depending on if Paul is alpha/beta/omega, and the player receives payouts in money/affection accordingly. This could include characters who refuse to have sex unless Paul is a certain status, characters who specifically prefer subbing to omegas/domming to alphas, and switches who will ask different things of Paul depending on their mood.
  4. Since having sex with most characters gives vitamins, include the prostitution characters as part of those gains.

Wow! Thanks a lot for finding so many things and for cool suggestions. I will use it definitely :3

This new bug is so funny I kinda don't want it fixed🤣

After losing on Sunday I divorced Paul  on Thursday and slept with Xero. After sex with Xero, while laying next to him, I'm suddenly punched in the face by Clayton and he proceeds to impregnate me🤣. Luckily I saved it just before so I can watch it over and over again.


Hahahaa xD Lol! That Clayton bug is so fucked up! It also happens when you talk to Blaire xD Looks like Clayton is punishing you when you try to do something immoral xD


Sseet the new update is here

What endings this gae have right now? Also it have bug when i try to speak with blaire it goes auto to main menu and thats all


1. Succeed to pay the debt

2. Fail to pay the debt

3. Become a HB member (this one will evolve into a separate storyline in the next build)

4. Playing Claire leave Paul and run away with your lover

5. Go to jail and fail negotiations with the guard (policeman)

6. Become a Crock landlord toy


Thanks for info. I checked it and you're right (for Claire scenario).

wait how do you get to jail and get the policeman ending though?

Talk to your spouse and ask about solutions to pay the debt. They suggest you to call the police. Do it. Than follow the story. It leads automatically to the ending.

Can't wait to play the new up date

Awesome game thank you!

 idk if it's a bug or not, this is on joiplay, but in the PC works fine


Some renpy things cannot be parsed by the emulators I guess. It's recommended to play on the PC and avoid mobile devices. Thanks for reporting the issue :3


I don't know if this is just for me but i cannot see any zips to download or a download button at all, might just be me missing something since i'm not the most savvy with computers and stuff. I am however looking forward to playing it more.

No it's the same for me too.




No worries take your time


I took <3 And here I am! Back with the build :D  Hahaha

Very fun. I'm loving it. Have had two small problems with my screen going white with Claire's sister and Paul scene, as well as the pizza boy and Claire second second couch scene.


Im more excited than ever!!


Seems like the moment for the 4.0 is closer than exciteeeed! xD


Like 5-6 hours. I hate promising things when things like codding is involved xD I feel more comfortable drawing and animating. But yes, it's cuuuuming! OwO


Happy New Year you big tease, hope its a good one for you <3


Thanks <3 It's going pretty well. Some weird shit happens from codding point of view but I'm very, very close. Like 24h close OwO

Hope the 4.0 comes out soon Right now it's still the 3.5 still so nothing new yet but looking forward to seeing what is new.

Lol :D It's done but I'm still struggling with some game-crashing errors! xD Hope to have it all done TOMORRAAAAAAA! xD

"So, the missing storyline is about mysterious letters from an unusual organization, right?"

Yes. I need it to put it to Build 5.0. It's too important to pay little effort to it

(1 edit) (+1)

Good luck, developer. Don't forget to take a break.




Thank youuuuu! OwO


(1 edit)

can almost not wait to make either claire or paul join the hyna brotherhood. also was that prostitution selecting screen also not in a older version of this game


No. There was only a text-based selection and only one client (Dax the Dachshund)


You knew at this point you weren't gonna make your holiday Deadline.

Deleted 273 days ago

Awesome work man, love it! I'm really looking forward to the fight and fuck section, cant wait to make Paul lose⁓

ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS GAME SO FAR!! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK!!! (i personally am waiting for more Paul updates tehe)

Good! Because next one will be heavily Paul oriented. Claire was so preferred so far but Paul also deserves some... love? xD

I'm most looking forward to updates for Paul... ;D




Yes :)


You knew at this point you weren't gonna make your holiday Deadline.

For some reason, the 3.5 build download says 1.0


It''s just the name of the zip file. Important is what the button says. But thanks for noticing it :3

hey you made a great build of your game. do you have any idea when the next build will be released? because I can't wait for the update anymore! :)

Thank you <3 I expect it to be before Xmes 

(1 edit) (+1)

why the sex work scene with the guy doesnt work? :(

Because it's under maintanance. It will be back in the next build :3 Also there will be 5 clients instead of 1 so :D

Hi. Do you have a discord?

Yes but not very public :3

Can you share it? I want to talk about the game :)

Not here. Send me PM


Questions: Do you plan for there to be introductions to the Work options? The intro does state that only one of the couple managed to find a job, but the player can work as a janitor or prostitute from the start. Also, will Build 4 be balanced between the characters, will it be content completion be focused on one like how 3.5 is?

Gut questions :3 So, I have no idea for introduction of the works but it sounds pretty cool. Like first you can do only one thing and once you gather your social network you unlock new options. Why not. 

About the balance, I confessed my sin of ignoring Paul completely (because Claire is hotter lol) but it won't happen again. My goal is to have more or less an equal amount of content and sex scenes for both characters with unique paths for each of them :3

If you would like ideas: For the janitor job, since the spouse already has a job there, they would introduce the player. Though how they don’t have to work the whole day yet earn twice the cash would have to be explained. [P.S. Alternatively that could just be because the spouse is in charge of buying necessities. But if not…] Perhaps due to an under-the-table agreement with a condition not to complain about any sexual harassment, and of course the option to receive a on-hands demonstration of what such harassment would entail~ [P.S. Come to think of it, the entire job itself might be best as under-the-table, since it doesn't make sense to be able to go in/take days off whenever you feel like it.]

As for street work, if the player has a pimp then it could be as simple as meeting the character and being given the offer. If not then there could be a scene of them thinking it over, having to buy and put on the outfit, and find an alley to “set up shop”. Though since both spouses claim to bring in money in the intro scene it could be the starting profession, in which case the first time they player goes to work a brief internal summary what happened would also suffice. That would also go a ways in explaining why the player character can accept being promiscuous so readily.

As for connection requirements, as things stand sharing the spouse's job would require a high enough affinity which you will not have if you take up Vito's second offer in the intro. And if not already unlocked, for street work a requirement might be for the player to engage in sex with anyone other than their spouse, thereby reducing their inhibitions enough to be willing to make a profession out of it. Though unlocking the specific clients would be a different matter.

Damn! It sounds so interesting OwO Thank you for inspiring me. You're right. Work system needs some more plot justification. I'm close to finish build 4.0 but I will remember to add something like this in build 5.0.

Sad still no kids(Hope in future updates we gonna be able to see how lcaire kids gonna be look like!


Not really. It's an adult game so it can't contain characters like that.

I'm planning to make some mechanics like Claire disappearing for a few days and coming back un-pregnant with the info that she gave birth to <father's name> son or daughter.

That's actually a smart way to do it, ngl. Cause if you always get knocked up in the game, it will get too crowded. It only gives more ideas for how the litter will look like. Still, it's awesome to hear some ideas are being worked out.

Please make a mobile version

He can’t


Teach me, Master! xD I have no idea how to do it to avoid screwing the UI completely xD

I wonder if my current phone could handle this if this somehow gets a mobile port, im intruiged by this by a lot

Not really. Every animation is 30fps and 1920x1080. I'm not sure if mobile phones can handle it without lagging. But I'm not a mobile expert so I donno

oof, well thats a bummer

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