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Can Claire give birth or do you HAVE to abort to reset?

Currently she has to. But I'm working on a way to solve it :3



During the scene with pizza boy, after the blowjob pressing to progress things further with him just leaves the game stuck.

Ive had the same issue. It seems to be random. Sometimes it wont bug at all, sometimes it will. Maybe click speed has something to do with the scripts loading?

Interesting. I will investigate it deifintely!

Thanks for reporting <3

Just a few weeks before my Birthday? Awe thanks for giving me a gift early!


Premature gift, lol xDDD

Theres a bug during the nightmare scene with the cult that does not allow the refusing of said ending. Every time you select "ignore it", the game jumps back to the decision screen

(1 edit)

Thanks for the info. Damn! That's wild. I will investigate it before the next release :3

EDIT: I checked it and you're right. The only way to skip it is to burn the letter, let them talk and when they ask you to join you say NO :3 Thanks for noticing it and letting me know!

Also as a sidenote, a .apk version would be amazing! Great work so far!

how do you start the game because, when I select character it well not start

Tell me more. What you play on? WIndows, Linux. Which version of OS. No one reported that before.


Every time I get to the character select screen it will not let me choose a character and start the game

Weird. Maybe you have something weird with Python code interpretation by your PC. Do you play on windows or Linux? And which version? I need more details to check what might be the reason because no one else reported the problem like that.

I play on Windows and it has been happening on versions 4.0 and 5.0

No idea why.  You don't give enough details. What happens just before, what is the outcome (back screen? any text? game quits?)

do you have a adio out put if not plug in head phones or somthing and try agin it 1 of the bugs i found b4

(1 edit)

hey a new debtors update that's pretty cool

Am I the only one that gets an error when decompressing?

You are the first who reported it for sure after +12 hours. Does the error happen when you double-click on the game icon or before?

In fact it happens when it is not decompressed, I get an error when I try to do it

Weird. It's not dañado on my end. Por supuesto somethings wrong. Did you try to unzip it using WinRar?

Yes, but it gives an error, I will try to uninstall Winrar and reinstall it.

(2 edits)

prostitution scenes and chi kinda get a bit buggy ngl like they show up when I’m trying to talk to someone else. Easily skippable and at least doesn’t take me back to the main menu but it’s a tad annoying sometimes especially when I’m talking to the landlord or Claire. Other than that pretty fucking awesome I just busted a fat nut playing this with a butt plug. Also moar Francis and Todd please and thank you. 🙏 

Awww :3 Thank you for letting me know. Reporting bugs helps a lot! Can you tell me when it happens? It sounds like a fat bug but I couldn't reporduce it so far. What do you mean by easily skippable? :3

(2 edits)

Try pressing the “serve clients” button before talking to anyone in the flat you’ll see what I mean. Same with chi it’s hit or miss on if it happens or not but typically it hits you when you least want it. And by “easily skippable” I rather mean it’s not particularly game breaking just annoying. Sorry for confusion that’s that post nut haze lol

Thanks for reporting. I will announce a solution for bugs soon. I have an idea <3

Hi Leo What are your thoughts on creating Discord groups?


Seeing all that drama, harassment, and ethnic tensions already existing in THIS comment section I can't imagine what would happen on Discord where people can go even more toxic xDDD

I dunno if it's just me, but mega never seems to work..

Is there another way to potentially get it

i think its broken. it usually works for me but not this time

Lol. I asked itch to provide me with more space. Waiting for their response lol. After that I will  embed it here. So far I need to use external linx


v5.0 🥳🥳

Maybe look into MEGA... Since the downloads get throttled on your current download source... If it happens too many times, they may suspend your account...


Uploading it to mega right now lol xDDD Link will be replaced soon. 

Also lol. Imagine how epic it would be to lose a Dropbox because of people massively invading it to get their hands on Debtors xDDD


I have seen it happen on two games... One of them was Rack2. LOL


Awwww <3 I feel honored!

Done! Thanks <3

(1 edit) (+1)

damn thats a large amount of people downloading at once lol

Lol. I don't know if I'm sorry to hear that. Actually it's pretty flattering xD No worries. If it won't change in few hours I will try to move it to another hosting. Sadly itch by default allows only 1GB files max. And debtors are not that small anymore

Please try now. There's a new link :3

The download link isn't working

What do you mean? It works perfectly for me. Do you have any reason displayed on the screen?

prolly just too many people downloading at once


probably just wanted to make sure they're aware of it just in case something happened 


I can't wait for the new update :}


I have it already. But it's above 1GB of itch limit. So I'm looking for solution xD


Oh man, that's chonky! This is gonna be good 💞


ummm pixeldrain?


Nah... Mega

Will it be up today?


Too late. It's here for over 30 seconds!!! xD


Guys! I'm alive. Stop paniking. Patrons are receiving daily updates in the place dedicated for communication with me so calm down... 

Please stop conspiracies. It's my first visual novel ever so I can't certainly predict the time. 

Anyone who asked about the status and is supporting me received the answer already.


Guys im starting to lean towards the dark side xD
I want to think that its all good just a setback but dude dissapears right before finishing the game and its been oven a month and not a single word from Leo.


He's still on furaffinity and it's quite obvious he's working on it still.


That doesn't justify going dark over here and not posting any updates. A simple "hey guys I'm still working on it, just going to be awhile" and an estimation would go a lot better than saying nothing.

He's just allowed his biggest criticizers to spam and whine over here and really, their criticism isn't wrong, as he has rather abruptly abandoned a good percent of his community. Especially when he previously was giving weekly updates.


*pats you head* Don't worry. I didn't disappear.

Because something is done backstage far from the public eyes it doesn't mean it doesn't happen <3


If anything it shows appreciation and how many enjoy your game. I'll donate to ya.

Thank you :3


Hope you have a good day, leo!


Awwww! That's the best comments for a looong time <3 Thank you and have a great day too!


Разрабы молодцы


Разраб один, Лео

Лол. Я чуствуюсь зесь не как разраб а просто раб xD


I dont know whether or not to feel Happy or Sad for Leo. It's really great that there's so many people who love the game and the expectations are pretty high. But also horrible that they have to deal with CERTAIN individuals who never heard of something called patience. 

I also feel like people forget that there's something else called life. Granted coding and designing takes a long time to finish but sometimes unexpected circumstances can cause delays. I guess patience is alot to ask for these days. So disappointing😟


Thank you. It's good to know there's someone who understands an idea of hobby project and a significance of a life outside the internet ^^


Hey Leo we haven't heard from you in a while hope you're okay, and i think i speak for everyone when i say if you need to take some time and delay the game its all well and earned you've worked hard the last 4 or so updates :)

Thanks. I'm fine and I appreciate your care <3 I hope you  are doing well too


he should make like a throwaway char called bruh420xd and let him get rejected in the prostitution scenes


Bro can't stop thinking w/ his d*ck fr.

(2 edits) (+3)

Tranquilos batos, calmados... Se que Leo no ha estado activo desde hace 1 mes, a veces ocurren cosas imprevistas o que se te dañe algun equipo o algun suceso feo. Pero tambien no es necesario que esten tratando de hacer un boicot o intentar perjudicar al artista. 

Crear algo desde 0, hacer programacion, animacion, dialogos, etc.y aparte este juego es gratuito. No sean asi con Leo..


Hope alls well Leo


Diablos.. que está pasando aquí 💀


Dude, at least write back and let us know if you're alive or not...


He is (He posted like a day ago on FA and then the day before that and etc.). Just being totally disrespectful towards his fan base. But yet people still trying to defend him and still wanna send him money? 


shut up ya dumb coomer 

Lol. I'm alive but busy as fuck xD


I can understand the dissapointment for the delay espesially when Leo said it should take a week or two and its has benn almost a month but harrasing him for a product u are getting for free and having no idea whats going on in his life is absurd.

Whatever is happening i just hope we get the game we were promised and i hope u are fine and well said that i would love some small info on whats going on so we can at least know if u are fine and working on it or if u are not well ( dont need details ) and there is a setback.


Y'all be saying this against me but Leo has a Patreon receiving 290USD a month!! At least he could do is post a weekly update like they were doing before. (Like if you work it out Leo is making more off Patreon most likely than his commissions in a run of a year!) Sad.


$290.. a month.. is nothing..???? I don't think you understand how little that is. If he puts only 40 hours a month into the game (10 hours a week) that's under minimum wage, if you're gonna whine over a product taking more time and not releasing in an awful state, you're weird.

(1 edit) (+10)(-2)

the fact someone made an account SPECIFICALLY for harassment is astounding

take as long you need


People should stop supporting the Patreon/KO-FI until further updates/release of 5.0!


bro first of all cringe  
and then half life 3 / L4D are made by big studios and not one single person.

 have some patience will you ?

(2 edits) (-21)

Half Life 3 is not a thing AND NEVER WILL BE *fyi* and back then of the days of Half Life 2 and Left 4 Dead 1 they had maybe a team of 10 if they were lucky and over half were part time! Do some research. Why should people support something like this when the developer can't even put out a weekly update anymore??? Waste of money! And waste of hype! That's what is cringe! Save yourself some money in this crap economy!


bros out here molding over an porn game 
touch some grass gooner xD


Seriously? What is wrong with you? This is being done one person. We don't know what goes on in their life there could be many reasons way things take awhile to get done. And saying things like this might just discourage them from working on their project. Have some patience.


Leo Nois is a single developer who has to script, story board, sound design, draw, animate, and code the game, and they do that all without requiring you to pay for the product yet. Paying on Patreon or Ko-Fi is a choice, not a requirement, and this is Leo Nois's project to release when they want, and if they want. Leo Nois is better of with more time, allowing them to continue refining Debtors to be the game they want it to be.

From the silent majority of people who enjoy your game, thanks for your hard work Leo Nois.


I wish I could hug you :3 I don't know why some people don't get it. You want to support, go support. If you don't like the game simply leave :D

(1 edit) (+2)(-28)

Leonois release build 5.0 OR RIOT! (UPVOTE THIS FOR A RIOT!) Its been too long with false promises! Give the people what they want or RIOT!

Deleted 209 days ago

stfu bro.


Waiting for version 5.0 reminds me of waiting for Half Life 3 / Left 4 Dead 3. Will it come? Nobody knows!


Isn't back 4 blood version 3 of left 4 dead ? Its made by the same people 


Made by the same people Turtle Rock Studios without Valve and its a total flop! I even pre-ordered the most expensive edition because I was SO HYPED! It was a total let down! Not at all Left 4 Dead and a total disaster!


Tbh i cant wait for this game im checking the page every few hours xD at least Starmaker is out with new update should keep me busy fora few days.
If u have a set back we would love an update Leo take your time dont feel preasured.


I hope he hasn't died its been 3 weeks since the last weekly update

(1 edit)

Awww why did you have to say that!? I never thought of that once and now you got me worrying for them


he replied to a comment 9 days ago in the latest weekly update, so it's prolly just taking a minute


Its been so long lol


I am so thrilled to see the results of your hard work Leo Nois! Can't wait to play, thanks for your effort! ^-^


Any day now.


Probably. Also i have a theory but maybe im just reading to into it. Leo is probably not doing updates right now because its very close to the end and doing them could make it longer for the the build to be release. Kinda like if your running a race you wouldnt slow down near the end, you would start sprinting😅

Oh yea I'm not talking about dev log im waiting for 5.0 release.

seems he may make a continuation but in what form after this is who knows anyways super excited to see it come as is past this :D !

It's more like being a good lover. You slow down before the end to keep your lover excited and don't release it too early xD


Does anybody know how to join the HB and get arrested?
Or is that coming in update 5



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